On campus
UCSC summer programs are a great way to jump start your academic progress. To make the most of your summer opportunities, complete your initial placement assessment as soon as possible. You can reassess up to four times, using ALEKS to improve your mastery of the material between assessments, so don't wait to get started!
Summer Orientation is the beginning of your new life in the UCSC community. Posting dates for placement assessment scores for enrollment in fall term math courses during Summer Orientation will be available soon.
College algebra, precalculus, and calculus are all taught during Summer Session, as well as during the academic year.
Summer's the perfect time to brush up on your math skills with ALEKS, the mathematics placement and preparation program. Study what, when, and where you want to—ALEKS will always be there for you.
Add some science reality and math adventure to your summer blockbuster viewing! We've lined up some great feature presentations, all for free. Bring your own popcorn.
The Summer Session Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics courses (Math 19A and 19B) are offered online. These courses can get qualified prospective STEM majors off to a fast start.